Your problem is simple. So is its solution
You know it. So do we. After all we’re people exactly like you. With the exact same problem. And no amount of denying it, defending it, deluding it, or drowning it in a sea of human solutions will ever destroy it. The problem is sin. The solution is Jesus. He is the sin destroyer.
We’d love to tell you more. Please visit us on a Sunday mornings at 9:00am, or Saturdays at 4:00pm.
Worship at St. Paul's
As Christians, Jesus Christ is at the center of everything we do. This is especially true when believers gather together for worship. Without Christ, we would have no reason to gather for worship. We would be separated from God and each other. We would cower in shame in the presence of God. But Christ, our Savior, has restored our relationship with God. This fact brings us two-fold joy. We open our hearts to receive his saving and empowering gospel. We also open our arms to offer to Christ our thanks, our lives, our all.
This cycle of receiving from God and giving to God characterizes each of our lives. It also characterizes the way we worship when we gather together. To accomplish this, we use a form of worship that traces its roots to the apostles themselves. It’s called liturgical worship.
Christ is at the center of liturgical worship. Some parts of the liturgy stay the same each Sunday. This is to make sure that Christ is proclaimed and praised during every service. Some parts of the liturgy change every week. These changes are based on the appointed calendar of the church. This calendar makes sure that we cover the important events and teachings of Christ every year.
Where to find us
Our church is located at:
406 4th Street
Algoma, WI 54201
Our school is located at:
1115 Division Street
Algoma, WI 54201
Our Pastors
Pastor John Moll
Pastor Moll graduated from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in 1994. He previously served in California for many years. He has served at St. Paul's since 2008. Pastor Moll oversees the Board of Education and Board of Trustees.
Pastor Joel McKenney
Pastor McKenney graduated from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in 2010. He has served at Michigan Lutheran Seminary, St. John's in Lake Benton, MN, and Good Shepherd in Pipestone, MN. He has served at St. Paul's since October of 2016. Pastor McKenney oversees the Board of Elders and Board of Stewardship.